Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Chinese New Year Party for Kids Games

The Chopstick Game

The Chopstick Game is played as a team.  Each team will need a pair of chopsticks, two bowls and enough small objects so each team member will have one item to carry.  Consider items like large marshmallows, marbles, malted milk balls and/or peanuts in the shell.  There should be the same items in the bowls for each team.  To make the game more interesting, vary the objects - marbles are the hardest to carry, marshmallows are the easiest.

Place the bowls containing the objects on tables or chairs and put the second empty bowls right along side the one containing all the objects.  Mark a line with masking tape about 10 feet from each bowl.  When you call "start" one child from each team will pick up one of the team's objects, using only the chopsticks, and carry it to the line and back to the second empty bowl.  The first team to transfer all of its objects from one bowl the other wins.

Remember, hands must not be used at any time.  If an object is dropped, it must be picked up and put back in the first bowl.  An individual contestant is allowed to move only one object at a time.

New Years Flashlight Limbo

In this lights-out version of a classic party game, the object is to avoid the beam of the flashlight.  To play this game you will need two flashlights.

Clean a floor space and turn off the lights .  Two kids, each holding a flashlight, will stand a few feet apart, turn on the flashlights, and point them at each other to create a level beam of light for the others to limbo under.

Bubble Wrap Stomp

Celebrate the Chinese New Year on your feet!  Traditionally noise scares away evil spirits.  For a few dollars you can pick up several yards of large bubble wrap or you can recycle bubble wrap that comes with your holiday gifts.

Just before serving your food, unroll the bubble wrap on a hard surface, such as a wooden floor, concrete basement floor or driveway.  Then count down from ten.  When the count concludes have everyone join in the Bubble Wrap Stomp.

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